Principal LeeAnne Hall plays the keyboard during a music lesson at Scotts Elementary.
Special to Iredell Free News
WINSTON-SALEM — Scotts Elementary Principal LeAnne Hall was recently presented the 2019 North Carolina Music Educators Association Honor Administrator Award.
The NCMEA Honor Administrator awardee understands that the cultural arts and music are an indispensable part of the school curriculum. This is demonstrated by the number of teachers in music and other cultural arts; number of children involved in music and other cultural arts; opportunities for teacher growth; financial support for the arts; community support and the needs in terms of space, program and equipment to build successful arts and music programs.

“The arts are an integral part of the school curriculum. At Scotts Elementary School, they integrate the arts everyday,” Deputy Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction Dr. Melanie Taylor said. “We are very proud of Ms. Hall and the staff at Scotts for realizing the value of the arts in education and bringing the A+ Arts program to the district. Because of their initiative students have a chance to take piano lessons, dance, and do other creative arts projects during the school year.”
Scotts Elementary has been an A+ Integrated Arts School since 2015. Being designated an A+ Arts integrated school is a whole-school reform model that views the arts as fundamental to teaching and learning in all subjects.
Scotts Elementary combines interdisciplinary teaching and daily arts instruction.
“The past 3 years have been filled with incredible A+ learning events of art, music, dance or theater arts that have been purposefully and intentionally integrated with standard course of study learning goals, and we are determined to sustain our A+ methods of instruction for as long as possible,” Hall said. “We are honored to be a North Carolina A+ School, and I am both honored and humbled to be the leader of this magnificent journey.
“I can’t wait to see what the future will bring as our students continue to learn and grow in our A+ school setting!”
Hall has worked for the Iredell-Statesville School district since 1995. She has served as a classroom teacher, an instructional facilitiator, and an assistant principal in the I-SS system. She has been the principal at Scotts Elementary since since 2010.
She was honored at the 2019 N.C. Music Educators Association Conference in Winston-Salem on Monday, November 11.