The Mooresville Graded School District Board of Education voted unanimously on Monday to grant the superintendent emergency powers to help manage the district’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Under the resolution passed Monday, Superintendent Stephen Mauney has the power to
♦ Waive board policies, when necessary, to comply with guidance from appropriate health or governmental authorities or necessary for other effective response.
♦ Make adjustments to the curriculum and the provision of alternative educational program options; adjustments to employee work schedules and assignments; modifications to the school calendar; and
♦ Enter into contracts without board approval for any dollar amount necessary for the purchase of materials, equipment, supplies, or services for sanitation, cleaning, technology, or other needs directly related to the COVID-19 emergency situation.
The school board held a special meeting via video conference on Monday morning to consider the resolution, which Board Chairman Roger Hyatt said was recommended by the N.C. School Boards Association.
During the call, Mauney said the resolution would give him the ability, if needed, to pay for an upgrade for distance-learning software that MGSD students are using as they are working from home. It would also help if the district needed to purchase additional resources for the school nutrition department, which is preparing meals for delivery.
The superintendent said he did not believe the district would have to extend the 2019-2020 academic year due to the disruption caused by the global COVID-19 pandemic.
Gov. Roy Cooper on Monday ordered public schools to remain shuttered through at least May 15 as health officials continue to fight the spread of the novel coronavirus.
Eight people in Iredell County reportedly have the disease. There have been 297 cases reported across the state, according to the N.C. Department of Health & Human Services.
Mauney had high praise for the response MGSD personnel have had to the crisis and how they have prepared for the challenge of delivering K-12 instruction while schools are closed.
“This is another example of the staff going above and beyond,” he said. “It’s fulfilling to be part of that.”
Resolution to Grant Emergency Powers to the Superintendent
Whereas on March 14, 2020, Governor Roy Cooper declared a state of emergency and the
closure of all North Carolina public schools for instructional purposes through March 30,
2020, as a safeguard against the further spread of COVID-19; and
Whereas under G.S.§ 115C-36, the local Board of Education has general control and supervision
of all matters pertaining to the public schools; and
Whereas under G.S. § 115C-47(15) the local Board of Education has the authority to prescribe
the duties of the Superintendent, subject to G.S. § 115C-276(a); and
Whereas the Board of Education finds that the current state of emergency requires that the
Superintendent be granted greater flexibility to respond quickly and appropriately to the
evolving crisis; and
Whereas under Board Policy 2450, the operation of any section or sections of Board policies not
established by law or contract may be suspended temporarily by a majority vote of Board
members present at a Board meeting held in compliance with law and Board policy;
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mooresville Graded School District Board
of Education grants to the Superintendent the following temporary powers to address the
COVID-19 emergency:
1. Authority to temporarily waive such Board policies or provisions of Board
policies as the Superintendent shall deem necessary to comply with guidance
from appropriate health or governmental authorities or necessary for other
effective response.
2. Authority to take any lawful actions necessary to ensure the continuation of public
education, to provide for the health and safety of students and employees, or to
respond to direction from appropriate health and government authorities. Such
actions may include, but are not limited to: adjustments to the curriculum and the
provision of alternative educational program options; adjustments to employee
work schedules and assignments; modifications to the school calendar;
adjustments to the delivery of school-provided meals; limitations on access to
property owned or controlled by the Board of Education; applying to any
governmental body for financial or other aid as may be available; and applying to
any governmental body for waiver of regulations or requirements, compliance
with which is affected by the COVID-19 emergency.
3. Authority to enter into contracts without board approval for any dollar amount
necessary for the purchase of materials, equipment, supplies, or services for
sanitation, cleaning, technology, or other needs directly related to the COVID-19
emergency situation, provided such action is consistent with all applicable State
and Federal laws.
NOW, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Superintendent is directed to keep the Board of
Education informed of any actions taken under this emergency authority as soon as is practicable
in light of the circumstances.
NOW, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the temporary powers authorized by this
Resolution are in effect for the duration identified in Governor’s Order of March 14, 2020, and
any subsequent extension of that order, unless otherwise rescinded or extended by the Board
upon a two-thirds majority vote.
NOW, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that execution of this Resolution is conclusive
evidence of the Board’s approval of this action and of the authority granted herein.
Adopted and approved this ____ day of ____________, 2020.
__________________________________________________ ____________________
Chair, on behalf of Date
the Mooresville Graded School District Board of Education