Special to Iredell Free News

The Iredell Community Outreach Association (COAST), a local nonprofit relief agency,  plans to host monthly drive-in movie events for the community beginning in April.

Monthly events will take place in the parking lot of the Iredell COAST, 833 N. Center Street, in the Forest Heights Shopping Center, Statesville. Iredell COAST is inviting members of the community to provide input on which movies they would like to see.

Drive-in movies have made a comeback over the last year as the pandemic has caused us to rethink creative ways to enjoy a safe family outing.

Iredell COAST will provide these movie nights each month and will charge a flat rate admission of $20 per carload. Proceeds will benefit the COAST’s Community Food Bank for low-income families in Iredell County.

An online survey will be available until March 15 for community members to have their voices heard. The survey is available at http://www.IredellCOAST.com and includes a write-in option for your favorite movies. Movie titles will be announced after the responses are tabulated.


For more information on the Iredell COAST, you may call 704-755-4610 or email director@iredellcoast.com.