It was a bittersweet moment as approximately 165 West Iredell High School graduates received their diplomas while Principal Ellyn Gaither bid farewell to their school on Friday evening.

Parents, friends and family members rose from the bleachers as the Band of Warriors played “Pomp and Circumstance” during the graduation ceremony on the football field. It was the last commencement ceremony for Gaither, who is retiring.

“This evening we celebrate together. I speak for the entire staff — we will miss you. When you go out into the world, remember, ‘Once a Warrior,’ ” Gaither said before pausing.

“Always a Warrior,” the students responded in unison.

Gaither reminded the students of the road they traveled together over the last four years, which included virtual learning, a mix of virtual and in-person learning and finally a return to in-person learning.

As of now, the Class of 2023 has been awarded approximately $2 million in scholarships. Gaither encouraged the graduates to find success and happiness. “If you love what you are doing, you will be successful,” she added.

Honor speaker Blaise Parsell said that the Class of 2023 has overcome many obstacles.

“We faced tough times like the COVID-19 pandemic, taking classes over Zoom and the recent loss of our friend Jude (McAlpin), who should be here with us tonight. But through it all, we stayed strong together, and I’m proud of all of us for that,” he said.

Parsell’s message to his classmates was to stay motivated.

Motivation, he said, is a “mindset and a choice we make every single day.”

He encouraged his classmates to find mentors, embrace failure and thank those who have helped you along the way.

Salutatorian Alyssa Weaver encouraged her classmates to never say “No” to any opportunity that might help make them a better person. She shared examples of volunteering for the Special Olympics, where she witnessed others build each other up, and encouraging one another.

“Go out and take advantage of every opportunity and do not be ashamed to be yourself,” she said. “Thank you, everyone, and congratulations to the Class of 2023.”

Valedictorian Kennedy Gaulding also shared some encouraging remarks with her classmates.

“Many get this idea of ‘changing the world’ wrong. Changing the world does not mean you must come up with a cure for a cancerous disease or stop world hunger,” she said.

“You can change the world by being present in the day. Be present by soaking in the sun on a day when you feel most alone to ensure you are ready to take on the next day,” she added.

She told students that being present is important because tomorrow is never promised.

Senior Class President Lily Jordan presented Gaither with roses in appreciation for her service to the students at West Iredell.

The Class of 2023 also cheered loudly as Gaither introduced administrative assistant Cricket Barnette, who was on stage to help with the presentation of diplomas. She is also retiring this year.

Barnette handed each graduate a yellow carnation as they walked across the stage with their diploma.

The West Iredell Chorus Department performed the song “Goodbye my friend” during the ceremony and the presentation of the colors was presented by the Warrior Junior ROTC cadets.
