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Fair View United Methodist Church in Mt. Mourne recently observed Scout Sunday with Scouts and Scout Leaders from Cub Scout Pack #173 and Scouts BSA Troop #173 taking part in the service.

Pledges of Allegiances to the American flag, Christian flag and the Bible were led by the Scouts. Scouts served as acolytes, cross bearer and greeters. An opening Scouter’s Prayer was led by a Scout as well as others reading scriptures and an offering blessing. Scouts and Scout Leaders also served as ushers taking up the offering.

Words of appreciation to Fair View were shared by Cub Scout Pack Cubmaster John McClelland and Scouts BSA Troop Committee Chairperson Jon Crawford.

The Troop was organized 70 years ago and the Pack 53 years ago. Both the Troop and Pack have been supportive in community service to the surrounding area and the church.