Pictured (from left) are Ella Grabowski, gold in the 5 & 6 age group; Max Chaney, silver in 9 age group; Emerson Hemphill, gold in 9 age group; Mason Earley, bronze in 9 age group; Jace Fortier, gold in 7 & 8 age group; and Landen Smith, silver in the 7 & 8 age group.

Special to Iredell Free News

Cub Scout Pack #173 in Mt. Mourne held its annual Cub Scout Olympics recently at the Fair View United Methodist Church.

The Cub Scouts participated by age group in eight events, including softball throw, broomstick throw (javelin), push-ups, sit-ups, 50-yard dash, running long jump, standing long jump and football kick. Ribbons were given for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in each event for each age group.

All six Scouts participating in the Olympics were presented an “I Did My Best” ribbon.

Scouts and leaders from BSA Troop #173 in Mt. Mourne did the scoring for the events.

Gold medal winners will advance to compete in the Gemstone District (Iredell County) Cub Scout Olympics on Saturday, May 11, with gold medal winners from other Cub Scout Packs throughout the county.

Pack #173 and BSA Troop #173 are sponsored by Fair View United Methodist Church in Mt. Mourne. The Cubmaster of the Pack is Ashley Grabowski and Scoutmster of the Troop is Chris Dolack.