Event will feature live music, food and and motorcycle stunt show

Special to Iredell Free News

Janette Thornley and her partners, Buddy Foss and Clyde Eller, invite the public to celebrate the grand opening of Westside Twins Motorcycle Company on Saturday, April 13.

The grand opening party will feature the American Motor Drome Company Wall of Death, a death-defying motorcycle stunt show; live music from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; food vendors and local artisans. The dealership’s state-of-the-art showroom, featuring previously loved motorcycles and motorcycle apparel, will be open.

The dealership is located at 2313 West Front Street in Statesville.

“All Things Motorcycle” is the best way to describe us. Within a few years we expect to be the destination dealership in the Carolinas,” said Thornley, a four-time national pro-fuel champion and a lifelong motorcycle enthusiast. 

Thornley describes herself as a wife, mother, grandmother, and dream chaser who is passionate about  helping others overcome barriers to living a fulfilling life. She holds the national record with NHRA as the fastest woman to ride a carbureted motorcycle in drag racing history. A believer, champion motorcycle racer and motivational speaker, she is focused on utilizing her unique platform to instill passion for others.

Westside Twins Motorcycle Company is a full-service dealership offering gently used motorcycles, a state-of-the-art service department with experienced technicians, parts and accessories for all your motorcycling needs. 


Visit www.westsidetwins.com.

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