To the Editor:

Picture this: A mild-mannered middle school student courageously musters the strength to report a deeply distressing incident. A sexually explicit and uninvited message, sent by a classmate, had invaded the sanctity of his digital space.

Enrolled in a school system that publicly emphasizes its commitment to a “See Something, Say Something” culture, this young man chose to speak out, guided by a belief that his concerns would be safeguarded and adequately addressed. However, what unfolded next was a disheartening journey into a bureaucratic abyss in which the act of reporting transformed into an unexpected accusation of possessing inappropriate sexual imagery and a failure to report his concerns in a proper fashion.

The is not a work of fiction but an account of the chilling reality that unfolded here in our community. It unveils a disturbing paradox, where the pursuit of justice led to the victim being cast as the perpetrator, where reaching out for help was met with blame. This is a story that beckons us to question the very fabric of our schools’ response mechanisms and compels us to consider the consequences of silencing the voices that dare to speak up.

My son, an African-American adolescent with learning disabilities, adhered to the school’s “See Something, Say Something” standard by responsibly reporting a sexually explicit text message he received from a classmate. However, what followed was a deeply unjust and wildly irresponsible response by the school administration.

What makes this situation particularly frustrating is that my son’s school is well aware of his learning disabilities, which include communication difficulties. Despite this knowledge, they penalized him for not communicating in a specific manner, essentially punishing him for a characteristic they were familiar with. It’s disheartening to see a young person, who wisely chose to confide in a trusted teacher, being demonized and disciplined for doing so.

This incident underscores the urgent need for schools to invest in comprehensive training for their staff to better support students willing to “Say Something” when they “See Something.” It’s essential that educators are equipped to recognize and address the unique challenges faced by students with learning disabilities.

Furthermore, this incident raises broader concerns about the default tendency of school authorities to resort to punitive measures, especially with young African-American males. We must emphasize the importance of empathy, understanding, and fair judgment in our schools, ensuring that all students, regardless of their background, are treated with dignity and respect.

By shedding light on this situation, I hope to encourage a re-evaluation of school policies and practices. While I wholeheartedly support our dedicated teachers who navigate the complex terrain of education, it is crucial to acknowledge and address the formidable challenges they face in fulfilling their noble duties. Our students deserve a safe and supportive environment where they can report concerns without fear of unjust repercussions.

Dr. Bruce A. Johnson

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