Iredell-Statesville Schools’ two major construction projects — Third Creek and Woodland Heights middle schools — are both expected to be on time and under budget.
Both schools are on track to open at the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year.
Construction is expected to be completed in April 2020. The teachers will move into the building at the end of the 2019-2020 school year.
Director of Construction and Facilities Use Rob Jackson highlighted the progress of the projects during the school board meeting on Monday.
“We’re crammed, we’re tight, but we’re working six days a week out there,” Jackson said.
Crews are painting and making finishes inside. Installation of the lights in the parking lot at Woodland Heights were completed over the holiday break.

About the Schools
Each new school has a capacity of 800 students and is attached to an existing elementary school along the shared kitchen wall. New parking and play fields are included in the new projects.
The existing elementary schools are Third Creek, located at 361 East Barkley Road, in Statesville, and Woodland Heights, located at 288 Forest Lake Boulevard in Mooresville.
Construction of the $47 million projects was funded with bond proceeds from the voter-approved school bond referendum in 2014. They are the final projects funded by the 2014 bond sale.
Big Moves
Brawley Middle School will move to the new Woodland Heights campus. Once the move takes place for the 2020-2021 school year, Mt. Mourne IB students will move to the former Brawley Middle School site. The Mt. Mourne building will then be vacant.
Statesville Middle School will move to the Third Creek campus. Once the move takes place for the 2020-2021 school year, Northview IB students will move to the former Statesville Middle School site. The Northview building will then be vacant.