Which candidates have the support of prominent residents and current and former elected officials in the upcoming Republican primary election? Who has a broad base of financial support throughout Iredell County? And which candidates are relying on family contributions and personal loans to bankroll their run for office?

Here’s the latest information on the campaign finances of candidates in the May 17 Republican primary for Clerk of Superior Court, Register of Deeds, and three seats on the Iredell County Board of Commissioners. (The contributions list includes supporters who have donated more than $100 during the final reporting period, along with each donor’s total contributions to that campaign.)

Iredell County Board of Commissioners

Laketha Bobish

Contributions this reporting period: $1,112.10
Total contributions: $8,227.10
Contributions: Ike Branham, Mooresville, $500; Lisa Tracy, no address reported, $200; Kelly Supek, Mooresville, $100; Deborah Windsor, Statesville, $143.70

Todd Carver

♦ Contributions this reporting period: $3,200
♦ Total contributions: $5,600
♦ Contributions: Chris Carney, Mooresville, $250; Mark Faulkenberry, Statesville, $100; Martin Page, Mooresville, $100; Tom Gaugan, Mooresville, $500; James McKnight, Mooresville, $100; John Fraley, Mooresville, $200; Doug Holland, Olin, $100; Brent Goddard, Mooresville, $250; Todd Carver, Mooresville, $2,700.

Richard Coleman

♦ Contributions this reporting period: $9,497.34
♦ Total contributions: $46,842.98
♦ Contributions: Randy Cameron, Cornelius, $1,902; Nanci Rae Dillen, Mooresville, $250; Walter Gessler, Statesville, $4,375; John Kindley, Mooresville, $1,000; Richard Tucker, Davidson, $2,928

Bert Connolly

♦ Contributions this reporting period: $10,300
♦ Total contributions: $16,284
♦ Contributions: Lawrence Austin, Union Grove, $100; Heather Bailey, Statesville, $150; Christopher Cartner, Harmony, $500; Pamela Chase, Union Grove, $250; John Cloer, Statesville, $100; Cheri Collins, Statesville, $100; Bert Connolly, Union Grove, $3,114; Gary Craven, Mooresville, $200; James Craven, Statesville, $200; James Douglas, Statesville, $100; Timothy Eades, Statesville, $200; Martin Feimster, Scotts, $100; Daniel Fox, Statesville, $100; Marie Gaddy, Union Grove, $100; Heather Gessler, Statesville, $100; James Gibson, Statesville, $400; Stephen Gladden, Statesville, $100; Donald Goforth, Mooresville, $100; James Haden, Stony Point, $100; Toni Haden, Stony Point, $100; Leo Hayes, Statesville, $200; Joel Hepler, Union Grove, $500; Michelle Hepler, Harmony, $100; Cindy Hollar, Statesville, $100; Keith Huffman, Wilkesboro, $100; Seth Johnson, Statesville, $200; Susan Johnson, Statesville, $250; Eric Jones, Kannapolis, $150; Keith Lentz, Statesville, $500; Kenneth McCann, Union Grove, $1,000; Alex Mendaloff, Statesville, $400; Terry Miller, Statesville, $300; Arnold Millsaps, Statesville, $200; Tandra Millsaps, Statesville, $400; William Morgan, Statesville, $100; Beverly Morrison, $100; Rickey Murdock, Mt. Ulla, $100; Alcy Prevette, Union Grove, $100; Erin Purgason, Harmony, $200; Whitney Reavis, Harmony, $500; Mary Redmond, Olin, $100; Phillip Redmond, Union Grove, $650; Jerry Shoemaker, Olin, $100; Kathy Sparks, Statesville, $200; Joe Troutman, Statesville, $150; Josh Whitley, Mooresville, $100.

Cindy Haynes

♦ Contributions this reporting period: $1,200
♦ Total contributions: $3,400
♦ Contributions: Richard McLaurin, Statesville, $100; Cindy Haynes, Statesville, $1,000 (Loan)

Gene Houpe

♦ Contributions this reporting period: $5,756.10
♦ Total contributions: $8,006.10
♦ Contributions: Gene Houpe, Statesville, $3,100; Howard Bryan, Statesville, $3,000; Tommy Bowles, Mooresville, $300; Francey Carney, Mooresville, $250

Angela Matthews

♦ Contributions this reporting period: $5,704.92
♦ Total contributions: $6,404.92
♦ Contributions: Tony Ferguson, Statesville, $100; Abigail Trent, Statesville, $200; Willi Wokatsch, Statesville, $250; Chris Williams, Mooresville, $500; Larry Brown, Statesville, $500; Tom Snyder, Statesville, $1,369.89; Harold Johnson, Statesville, $600; Stuart Gittleman, Cornelius, $100; Lynette Saxton, Mooresville, $200; Angela Matthews, Statesville, $300.47; Ernie Johnson, Statesville, $1,319.56.

Larry Payne

♦ Contributions this reporting period: $3,975
♦ Total contributions: $21,467
♦ Contributions: Hannah Bell, Huntersville, $150; David Fago, Mooresville, $100; Ray Georgeson, Statesville, $100; Richard Hawkins, Mooresville, $200; Britt McIntyre, Concord, $100; Scott Moston, Richmond, Va., $100; Daniel Onisor, Mooresville, $200; Joseph Pagani, Statesville, $100; Michael Perri, Davidson, $200; Joe A. Vagnone, Cornelius, $500.

Brad Stroud

♦ Contributions this reporting period: $7,675.30
♦ Total contributions: $11,350.34
♦ Contributions: Reida Allen, Statesville, $100; Thomas Bowles, Mooresville, $500; H. Michael Cook, Mooresville, $100; Steven Dowdle, Statesville, $500; Carroll Goodman, Statesville, $200; Charles Holcomb, Statesville, $100; Evelina Johnson, Hiddenite, $100; Neal Johnson, Statesville, $150; Danny Jordan, Statesville, $1,000; Herbert Lawton, Statesville, $100; Keith Lentz, Statesville, $1,000; Judy Patterson, Statesville, $100; Tammy Pressly, Statesville, $500; Andrew Sherrill, Statesville, $1,000; Van Stack, Olin, $100; David Stroud, Statesville, $200; Randy Tedder, Statesville, $100; Joe Troutman, Statesville, $250; Dorothy Woodard, Statesville, $500.

Iredell County Clerk of Superior Court

Jim Mixson

♦ Contributions this reporting period: $15,578.71
♦ Total contributions: $21,116.71
♦ Contributions: Kathryn Andrews, Statesville, $100; William Miles Atkins, Mooresville, $100; Bill Baity Jr., Statesville, $200; Ralph Bentley, Statesville, $100; Matthew Benton, Mooresville, $150; Brent Bowman, Statesville, $150; Scotty Brown, Troutman, $1,388; Raymond Burnette, Statesville, $350; Ashley Cannon, Statesville, $250; Bedford Cannon, Statesville, $175; Christopher Cartner, Harmony, $500; David Childers, Statesville, $100; Christina Clodfelter, Mocksville, $150; Richard Coleman, Mooresville, $500; Cheri Collins, Statesville, $200; Judith Daly, Statesville, $500; Edward Dearman, Statesville, $100; Heather Gessler, Statesville, $400; Rob Gill, Statesville, $100; Henry Hall Jr., Statesville, $250; Lisa Hardig, no address given, $250; James Douglas Hendrix, Troutman, $150; Max James, Olin, $250; Timothy Johnson, Statesville, $500; Steve Johnson, Statesville, $200; Michael Lassiter Jr., Statesville, $250; Robert Lowry, Statesville, $200; William Maxwell, Statesville, $500; McHenry for Congress, Gastonia, $500; Alexander Mendaloff, Statesville, $350; Paul Grey Mills, Mooresville, $500; James Mixson III, Statesville, $728.04; Charles Nantz, Statesville, $100; Lynn Pinkham, Mooresville, $100; Edwin Pressly, Statesville, $100; Carl Ralston, Statesville, $150; Matthew Redmond, Union Grove, $2,500; Carl Robbins, Mooresville, $200; Angie Roberts, Statesville, $250; Pat Rushton, Statesville, $150; Dennis Setzer, Statesville, $250; Peter Simon, Statesville, $100; Jarod Stone, Statesville, $150; CJ Sudman, Statesville, $250; Jeffrey Taylor, Statesville, $250; William Troutman, Statesville, $250; Michael Tucker, Statesville, $250; Dale Waugh, Statesville, $150; Rhonda Waugh, Statesville, $100; Barbara Wheeler, Statesville, $250; Mark Williamson, Statesville, $100; Sam Winthrop, Davidson, $250.

Barry Tilley

♦ Contributions this reporting period: $1,600
♦ Total contributions: $3,964.95
♦ Contributions: Barry D. Tilley, Olin, $1,000; Phyllis Boyd-Vanhoy, Cornelius, $100; Margaret Lewis, Statesville, $500.

Iredell County Register of Deeds

Renee Holland

♦ Contributions this reporting period: $3,500
♦ Total contributions: $8,615.62
♦ Contributions: David Hinson, Statesville, $150; Pamela Ladd, Harmony, $500; Neal Johnson, Statesville, $150; Scott Clontz, Statesville, $200; John Kindley, Mooresville, $1,000; Doug Holland, Olin; $700; John Fraley, Mooresville, $200; David Benbow, Statesville, $100.

Maureen Purcell

♦ Contributions this reporting period: $4,220
♦ Total contributions: $4,272
♦ Contributions: Howard Bryan, Statesville, $1,000; Karen Carty, Troutman, $200; Norma Cline, Statesville, $145; Richard Coleman, Mooresville, $250; Catherine de Tar Dillon, Statesville, $350; Mark Harris, Mooresville, $250; Sean McGowan, Cleveland, $100; Jason Ratcliff, Huntersville, $1,000; Melvin Spiese, Mooresville, $200; Dixie St. Clair, Union Grove, $100; Alma Youngblood, Statesville, $300; Anita Kurn for School Board, Mooresville, $250; Maureen Purcell, $10,000 (Loan).

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